Hint painting cars
Various ways can be taken to keep your car look attractive. One way is when you decide to repaint your entire car body. Repainted like to give new life to your own car. Later in Indonesia many emerging-bengekel specialist shop that offers a package of clothes face lift color out of the car. It is worth remembering now that they no longer set prices to re-paint the whole body but the price per panel according to the breadth and level of difficulty that will be repainted them. For those of you who are unfamiliar, there are only 3 types of paint that was used to repaint that is:
1. Stoving paint (dried with oven / grilled)
2. Urethane paint (dry Hardener with the addition of additives or thinners commonly called)
3. Lacquer paint (quick dry dull but easy)
Of course all three of the first kind (paint stoving) is the most excellent quality. For those interested, this type of paint used by the garage that has an oven. Total repaint with paint will certainly make your car body harder and more resistant to scratches. Consequently dipatokpun prices become more expensive. For the latter is the type of paint Urathane. This is an alternative to repaint with a paint that costs a little more expensive than paint oven. This type of paint can be dried in a fairly short time approximately 8 hours with an additional additive Hardener (thinner). The most striking difference with stoving paint is its hardness against scratching. The last type of lacquer paint that is possible you should really avoid. Why is that ...? because although low, the result of painting with this type of paint is not seawet above two types of paint so easily dull and longest lasting 1 to 2 years. So ... after knowing that there are three types of paint, now you can directly decide the attitude, the type of paint which would you choose for your car. Do not be sorry that you will feel deceived.
Ways to paint a car / bike is good, namely:
1. Sand the first part to be painted with sandpaper (krtas rub) the size of the warerproof 800, then smoothed with sandpaper size / no. Of 1000.
2. After the surface has been rubbed with sandpaper washer parts to be painted with water, dried with a cloth, and heated in the sun until dry benar2.
3. Paint the desired surface with Epoxy setlah tercat finished drying the last part again with sandpaper, then rub with sandpaper size of 1200, and do not let up until fairly flat surface.
4. After washing the sanded with clean water and dry in the sun to dry and cleaned with a soft cloth like a T-shirt fabric.
5. Then enter the stage of painting with the desired base paint can be white or abu2, I used to menggunakaan brands Avian or steelgloss and painted the place that is open to avoid exposure to direct sunlight and dust media, after drying the painted benar2 TSB until dry, and buff again for who get the maximum, but with sandpaper no.> 1200 and notice the sanding process tipis2 enough.
6. Included in the coloring process according yamg select desired color and paint more diluted mixture for ordinary wear size 1liter sy appeal 4liter paint thiner Super A, and in the process of painting is quite interesting quake 1 syringe of paint do not make it look rata.kemudian diulang2 bener2 drying to dry.
7. Once dry then we enter the process so that the lacquer varnish with merk2 bgus select good as Avian S4000 Or Blinken and the results of our vehicles as though not given a shiny oil washed.
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